- Study for this week's vocabulary quiz. Quizes are always on Wednesday.
- Know how to spell each word, its part of speech, its definition, and how to use it in a sentence.
- [spelling, grammar, meaning, comprehension]
TERM 1: 2009 and 2010
LESSON #1 Quiz
ambiance amenable amplify antecedent anterior appalling aptitude archaic arduous artisan
LESSON #2 Quiz
couture cower cranny craven creditor criterion cubism curtail curvilinear damper
LESSON #3 Quiz
insouciant intervene inveigle irascible joust karma laconic lament languish lassitude
LESSON #4 Quiz
doldrums domain dormant draconian dromedary dulcet duress edifice efface egalitarian
LESSON #5 Quiz
choleric circumspect circumvent clone coerce confiscate continuum conundrum copious corpulent
LESSON #6 Quiz
stalactite stalagmite strife sublime succinct supine surmise surreptitious svelte symmetry LESSON #7 Quiz
exemplar exodus exonerate expatriate extrude fetter fiasco forbearance forebode forte End of 1st 9 weeks
LESSON #8 Quiz
lackadaisical lambaste lampoon languid latent lithe logistics maladroit malise malcontent
LESSON #9 Quiz
travail validate vent voracious waffle wince winnow wrath writhe zenith
LESSON #10 Quiz
aftermath aggrandize ajar alienate alleviate allure aloof also-ran altercation alternative
LESSON #11 Quiz
syncronize tantalize taut tawdry tenacious terse throng tome torpid torrid
LESSON #12 Quiz
courier covert crony crux cryptic cupidity curb cursory defunct demise
LESSON #13 Quiz
sundry supplant surfeit tether torque trenchant truculent truncate tyro ubiquitous
LESSON # 14 Quiz
malice malador mammoth manifest maritime mawkish mete mogul morass mottle
End of 2nd 9 Weeks
Term 2: 2009 and 2010
LESSON #15 Quiz
disconcert dishevel diurnal diverse doff dogmatic dolefull dolt don dour
LESSON #16 Quiz
portend prattle predatory prehensile presentiment pristine prodigious profound propinquity prudent
LESSON #17 Quiz
abhor abominate abridge abstruse abut abyss accolade adjunct affidavit affinity
LESSON #18 Quiz
nemesis nettle nocturnal nullify nurture obese obtrude offal officious onerous
LESSON #19 Quiz
opaque ostensible pacifist palisade palliate palpable panache pandemic panorama parable
LESSON #20 Quiz
pecuniary pedestrian perpendicular personify paradigm paragon parley patriarch patrimony pecadillo
LESSON #21 Quiz
philippic pinguid pinion pious plethora pliable plucky polarize poltroon portal
End of 3rd 9 weeks