WEEK EIGHT: Days Four and Five
WEEK NINE: Days One through Five
Second Nine Weeks Begins
WEEK TEN: Days One and Two
Unit Theme:
Analyzing and synthesizing information from a variety of reliable sources, the student will prepare a research paper that is focused, organized, and polished.
Unit Skill:
True research requires the researcher to analyze and synthesize information from a variety of reliable sources.
How can I develop my topic statement to reflect my purpose?
How can I determine if I have enough information?
A. The teacher and class will review the steps in the research process so far completed:
- Clarify what to do: choose a topic and a backup topic; do exploratory reading about topic; write a research proposal and a working thesis
- Gather data/material: create a working bibliography or list of sources; gather all the resources available; determine if there is enough information available to write on the topic (or if there is too much information to meet the length requirements)
- Locate, Examine, Read, Record Sources: locate sources; read quickly to find the best sources; read and take notes; optional - conduct original research (e.g., interviews)
B. The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation on ORGANIZING FOR WRITING. Main points include the following:
- Reevaluate notes and select those most relevant
- Turn the working thesis into a carefully worded thesis statement
- Turn the thesis into a working outline that grows out of the thesis statement
- Gather more information on any sections that are to weak
- Turn the working outline into a formal outline
- Write the research paper in thirty minutes (a miniature version)
D. HOMEWORK: Students should continue to spend at least four hours in research (i.e., reading or exploring the library), as well as writing, during the next three days.