September 29 to 30; October 1

WEEK SEVEN: Days One, Two, Three

Unit Theme:

Analyzing and synthesizing information from a variety of reliable sources, the student will prepare a research paper that is focused, organized, and polished.

Unit Skill:

True research requires the researcher to analyze and synthesize information from a variety of reliable sources.

Unit Essential Questions:

How can I organize my notes to reflect my purpose?

How does a thesis continue to drive a research paper?


A. The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentations ("The Outline") and then work with students individually to write an outline that fulfills the thesis. Text references are pages 41 - 42.

B. The teacher will explain the required research project portfolio to document the evolution of the research paper: tentative thesis, approved thesis statement, the working outline, the final outline, source cards, note cards, an early draft, a revised draft, and the final draft.

C. Students will revise the tentative thesis and submit the revised thesis to the teacher. Text references are pages 42 - 43.

D. Students will transform working outlines into final ones.

E. HOMEWORK: Students should spend at least four hours in research (i.e., reading or exploring the library) during the next three days.