Literary Genres, Grammar, Syntax, Diction, Composition, Research, Speaking and Listening
August 17
Essential Question:
How will we work effectively and productively together in the classroom?
Essential Skill or Concept:
Classroom behavior and learning procedures
Mini-Lesson Outline:
A. The teacher will explain class behavior.
1. All school rules apply for everyone.
2. Everyone must be prompt and in assigned seats ready to learn when the teacher closes the door.
3. Everyone must be prepared - i.e., have all class materials and know due dates.
4. Students will NOT be permitted to go to their lockers or the restrooms during the class period. Take care of issues between classes.
5. Students will NOT be permitted to borrow materials from the teacher or classmates.
6. Students and teacher will be polite, respectful, and positive.
7. Students will raise hands to be called upon and then speak in normal tones of voice.
8. Students and teacher will listen attentively.
9. Students and teacher will be productive. We will use class time wisely, submit work on time, and always do our best.
B. The teacher will review of materials needed for each class.
1. 3-ring binder with multiple dividers (more than one inch side)
2. Loose leaf paper
3. Black pen
4. Small index cards
5. Small index box for the index cards
C. The teacher will model typical class components.
1. The teacher will demonstrate use of the class blog.
2. The teacher will introduce the procedure for daily vocabulary study that culminates each week with a quiz on Wednesday. Students will practice the daily procedure with materials provided by the teacher.
3. The teacher will introduce the procedure for addressing the daily "Essential Question." Students will observe how materials are organized and utilized during class to prepare to work. They will demonstrate their understanding by organizing their materials accordingly.
4. Students will discuss how these classroom procedures will help them be effective learners.
5. Students will arrive in class tomorrow prepared to be effective students.